BEIDLER S.   LINN  dealer  in drugs and medicines, paints, oils, varnishes, dye stuffs, all popular patent medicines, perfumeries and toilet articles, school books, miscellaneous books, blank books, notions, stationery, etc. Prescriptions compounded with care; pure wines, and liquors for medical purposes.   Post-office store
BIGGS   JOSEPH,   saloon

CAPPS B. D. teas, coffees, sugars, syrups, canned goods, choice family flour, confectioneries, tobaccos, cigars, notions, etc. at prices that will be found as low as you can buy in Central Illinois. West side public square
Capps Park and City ice-house, established 1860
CAPP S   EBENEZER   S. proprietor drugs and medicines, paints, oils, varnishes, dye stuffs, all popular patent medicines, perfumeries and toilet articles, school books, miscellaneous books, blank books, notions, stationery, etc. Prescriptions compounded with care; pure wines, and liquors for medical purposes.   Post-office store
CAPPS B. D. teas, coffees, sugars, syrups, canned goods, choice family flour, confectioneries, tobaccos, cigars, notions, etc. at prices that will be found as low as you can buy in Central Illinois. West side public square
CAPPS    JABEZ  Mt. Pulaski nursery
Jabez Capps & Son. This nursery has been established 40 years, and has a first-class reputation for furnishing the best of stock true to name; the assortment of varieties is as good as that of any nursery in the state. Catalogues free on application
CASS, Frank D, physician and surgeon, and dealer in pure drugs and medicines, perfumeries, toilet articles, etc.
CONKLIN PEARL J. editor and proprietor Mt. Pulaski Citizen; J. E. Conklin assistant editor
CONRAD   &  SEYFER,   dealers   in dry goods, clothing, notions, hats and caps groceries, provisions, earthenware, etc. Mt Pulaski, HI.
DANNEK   A.   E. constable and deputy sheriff   
 DANNER E. A. dealer in ready-made   jclothing, cloths, cassimeres, jeans, hats, caps   and gents' furnishing goods generally; makes a specialty of merchant tailoring; suits made in the latest styles, and lit guaranteed
DEMENT JOHN H. constable
DERBY WILLIAM H. school commissioner for Logan County
DOTY DANIEL M. practicing dentistry ten years, four years in Clinton, De-witt Co. six years in Mt. Pulaski; studied under I. E. Cain, of Dewitt Co. had three students; two of them at present practising, T. J. Uphaw, Kansas, and S. W. Lakin, Eureka, 111. and W. S. Lord, at present student

DuBoce  M.
(Marcel) A. photographic artist; all new styles of pictures taken in the best manner, from card to life size; special instrument for groups and children; stereoscopic views and large views taken to order; Mount Pulaski, Illinois
GILBERT JOHN M livery, sale and feed stables; double and single rigs always on hand; charges reasonable
GORDON J. B. livery, sale and feed stables; keeps constantly on hand double and single rigs at reasonable rates; horses bought and sold on commission, and boarded and properly cared for at lowest rates

boots and shoes, west side public square, Mt. Pulaski

JONES A. G. attorney-at-law, notary public and collecting agent, Washington st.

KRIEG & CO. merchant tailors, dealers in dry goods, clothing, furnishing goods, etc. agents for the Singer sewing machines

saloon and billiard hall; good billiard and pool tables; choice wines, liquors, beer, ale, tobaccos and cigars; west side of public square; in charge of George Connolley
LIPP JOHN, bakery, saloon and restaurant; fresh bread, cakes, etc. constantly on hand; choice cakes made for parties to order; also fancy groceries, choice tobaccos and cigars, wines, liquors, beer, ale, etc. Washington street

, Mt. Pulaski saloon and billiard hall, cor. Cook and Washington sus; the choicest wines, liquors and cigars always on hand

city marshal

PHINNEY M. P. M.D. resident physician and surgeon, office northwest corner of public square
PUMPELLY J. N. M.D. physician and surgeon
PUMPELLY & GEORGE, dealers in pure drugs and medicines, paints, oils, varnishes, patent medicines, perfumeries, toilet articles, notions, etc; prescriptions carefully compounded; pure wines and liquors for medical and sacramental purposes; east side public square
ROTH JOHN, meat market; the best fresh meats constantly on hand, sold at the lowest living prices; I pay the highest cash price for hides, pelts, tallow, and first-class stock; west side of public square

dealer in clothing, hats and caps, furnishing goods,trunks,valises,etc.etc.
SAWYER GEO. S. & CO. dealers in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, hats and caps, etc. Mt. Pulaski, Ills.
SCHAFER W. A. blacksmith, and proprietor of the Union Plow Works, manufacturer of all kinds of agricultural implements, also special attention paid to repairing; Mt. Pulaski, Illinois
SCROGGIN & SAWYER (Leonard K. Scroggin, Walter P. Sawyer), bankers; a general banking business; collections receive prompt attention;   Mt. Pulaski,
SHRIVER HENRY, (better knownas Dad Shriver), auctioneer; always on hand, and satisfaction given; give me acall   

THE CHALLENGE MILLS, Thos. Billington &Bro. proprietors; custom grinding a specialty; dealers in flour, meal and feed; near Gillman depot

VANHISE & EWING, wholesale and retail dealers in lumber, lath, shingles and all kinds of building materials

WEMPLE M. police magistrate; collections receive prompt attention; legal papers, such as deeds, bonds, mortgages, etc. drawn or acknowledged according to law

YAGER JACOB, justice of the peace; legal documents of all kinds carefully and promptly drawn and executed; collections made, etc. etc.

Transcribed From: Logan County Illinois, Its Past, Present, and Future
Donnelly, Loyd & Company, 1882

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