Introduction To Our Work


I hope to bring to life our community as it was in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's & early 70's ... through my grandfather’s, H. J. Wible’s  newspapers.  The people, the events, the happy times and the saddest.  This weekly Mount Pulaski Times-News small-town newspaper was the community's window not only to everything happening in our own little part of the world, but also as you will see, a window to the outside world.

Generations of many of our families are depicted, here, either through words and/or pictures. Those stories set the stage for where our lives have led us ... to where we and our children, grandchildren & great grandchildren find themselves, today.

As you see the pictures, read the articles and absorb how life was  in those times, I think you will realize as we have that while much has changed, there is much that is the same.

Even today, as you read the stories from 90 years ago, you will feel the happiness of a birth or the sadness of death or accident ... the thrill of a basketball victory or the agony of a death notice of a hometown boy on the battlefields in a far away place ... all on the same page.

We both hope you enjoy what we are about to present and, like us, find it hard to quit reading and exploring those who came before us and the lives they led.

We hope that you also will particularly enjoy H. J.‘s weekly editorials, which he called  "Reflections”.  These small-town editorials were a looking glass into the heart and soul of our community ... to make them reflect on where they had been and where they were going.  While you may not always agree with his perspective, it always made you think.

            I want to thank Phil Bertoni for his willingness to work with me on this project, for his computer expertise, and for his patience.  Also, my sincerest gratitude to the Mt Pulaski Township Historical Society for providing me with most of the documents you will see here, and for their unwavering devotion to preserving our history.

                                                                                                                     Tom Martin