

Mt. Pulaski Vonderlieth Living Center

Visit With the Veterans
& their families

May 25, 2009


Lloyd Bahn
Vernell Bahn
Dale Bassett
Walter Chekas
Jim Jackson
Robert Jackson
William Lakin
Herbert Lee
Loren Meister
Carl Patterson
Jack Pope
Harry Sexton
Dalen Shellhammer
Emmitt Shellhammer
Melvin Singley
Eva Spalding
Norman Wilham

As of 5/25/09

Today, we give thanks to our veterans who no longer can muster out on the fields or in our cemeteries.  We do remember your devotion to our country and we will always – always - be grateful for your service and life-long devotion to our flag.

     The following is the wartime prayer of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of our 32nd President of the United States, Mr. Franklin Delano Roosevelt:


Dear Lord,
     Lest I continue
          My Complacent way,
     Help me to remember that somewhere,
          Somehow out there
     A man or woman died for me today.
     As long as there be war,
          I then must answer
     Am I worth fighting for?